Monday, September 15, 2014

What kind of scientist do you wanna be? and why?

If I have an opportunity to be a scientist i want to be a meteorologist ,because i want to study about weather and climate.I want to study about weather ,like searching about climates information just like to know how something causes the rain how it causes natural causes about nature . Weather and climate is also part of nature because nature includes the environment.Weather is not the same as climate because weather means the temperature and  climate means if its rainy day , sunny day or alot of clouds.

Its important the topic of being a meteorologist to me because i want to know more about nature ,but the thing is that being a scientist is not that easy it needs to be study alot and there is alot of hurts in the brain that makes you think alot . An meteorologist its also study about phenomenon's occurred example like and tsunami its part of the study of climates.

An meteorologist not only study about the weather and climates also they educate like told people about the earth's atmosphere and climate.Many of the televisions shows the climate forecaster that people who is telling us the climate is the meteorologist.

This is all of the information's that i can find !

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